Shiatsu is from Japan and means “finger pressure. It is often described as “acupuncture without needles”. Originating in Japan though now practiced worldwide, shiatsu has gained recognition as an effective bodywork/energy therapy to restore and maintain health.
It is beneficial to receive a shiatsu under many circumstances. Some reasons include: a need to de-stress, have generalized or specific pain, experiencing low energy, want to feel more connected to your body, or rehabilitate from an injury. Sometimes you may feel out of sorts and the rebalancing of energy from a shiatsu session can make you to feel much better. So shiatsu can be used both as a healing modality and preventatively as a means of staying healthy.
Massage relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation. While shiatsu can do this it also does much more. Shiatsu works both on the physical and energetic level of the body. Similar to acupuncture shiatsu unblocks stagnant Chi energy in the body’s meridian system. This is done via finger pressure on acupressure points instead of using needles. In this process muscles, connective tissues, and joints relax and expand slightly to allow for more blood and energy flow. Restoring and balancing this energy and blood flow nourishes the organ systems (heart, liver, lungs, intestines, stomach, spleen, bladder and kidneys) as well as detoxifying the body on the cellular level. Shiatsu also differs from massage in that you remain clothed and no oils or lotions are necessary during the session.
The shiatsu practitioner asks about your health and any concerns you might have. The session begins with you lying down on a shiatsu mat while the shiatsu practitioner applies hand or finger pressure on specific points on your body to promote circulation and energy flow. Joint rotations and stretches are also a part of the relaxing shiatsu experience.
It is recommended not to have a large meal within the hour of your scheduled appointment. Bring a change of comfortable clothes, ie sweat pants and top, and a clean pair of socks.
Shiatsu is very effective for treating stress and body aches. There are many postural and stress-related conditions which shiatsu can help alleviate as well. These include; digestion, headaches, arthritis, back, neck, shoulder pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, asthma, allergies, tinnitus, sleep problems and many more.
It depends. Some people receive shiatsu on a weekly basis to regain health and find shiatsu is a good way to stay healthy. Another common interval is once every two weeks or once a month. Others come in a few times a year for a body tune-up. It is a matter of choice.
Not currently, however can be applied towards your Flexible spending account (FSA).
Qigong means Energy work or Energy skill. It is a system of exercises from China that enhance your internal energy system therefore enhancing your health and vitality.
Roger offers Zoom qigong classes on a weekly schedule listed on the qigong page of the website. There you can follow along and learn helpful qigong sequences to improve your health. Overall it’s advisable to receive guidance from an experienced qigong teacher or practitioner as they can give practical advice regarding posture, proper movement s and suggest useful movement sequences.
Qigong exercises are quite different than gym routines. Gym exercises involve weight bearing exercises to push to your limit in order to build up muscle strength. Qigong is much gentler on the body and doesn’t require any equipment. It emphasizes coordination of breath with slow movements to increase energy and relieve tension.
It is fundamental to feel the “Chi” or “life force energy” while performing qigong exercises. An instructor can guide you to develop this ability of sensing and circulating chi throughout your body. By improving chi circulation you improve your health. A regular practice of qigong is the best way to improve your health as well as stay healthy.
Ideally qigong should be practiced daily, though any amount of qigong can be beneficial. Routines vary from as little as 10 minutes to up to an hour or more. A regular practice help you become sensitive to your body and its needs.
It is best to have a quiet place to practice with clean air. Qigong can be practiced indoors or outdoors, ie in a park or a natural setting. Most common time to practice is in the morning shortly after waking up. Evening practices are helpful as well to wind down from the day for better sleep. Other times a of day are fine to practice though one thing to note is that it is better to practice qigong on a more empty than full stomach.
If you are sick such as experiencing a fever or some severe acute illness it is advisable to get proper medical advice from a doctor or get the proper bed rest needed. Other conditions such as chronic pain or other less severe ailments can be helped by the proper qigong practices. If your health is compromised guidance from experienced qigong practitioner can be very beneficial for your practice.
Move n’ Flow is a method of learning and performing at your best. It is based on concepts and techniques of accessing the flow state where the mind is focused and the body synchronizes and merges with the mind. In this state of effortless ease awareness is heightened and a deep sense of being in the moment occurs.
Move n’ Flow can help can help you increase productivity during the day by limiting distractions and maintaining focus on what is important. Wouldn’t it be nice to accomplish your goals and To-Do lists with more ease?
Move n’ Flow can be used for everyday life activities, work, and high-level intensity pursuits such as sports or stage performance. It’s an effective method for learning and improving upon movement activities such as Tennis and Argentine Tango which Roger teaches by appointment.
It is best to either email or call Roger for more information and to schedule an appointment.
Shiatsu is a touch therapy from Japan. It is effective for treating both stress and pain. Receiving regular shiatsu sessions help keep you healthy. Schedule an appointment today!
Qigong focuses on aligning posture, breathe and mindful movements for the purpose of enhancing energy, health and happiness. Everyone can benefit from qigong exercises. Zoom and in-person lessons are available.
Discover optimal performance, focus and flow in your Life. Learn the principles of Move n’ Flow and apply them to Tennis, Argentine Tango or everyday life activities. Schedule a lesson and enjoy the benefits of Move n’ Flow.
Shiatsu is from Japan and means “finger pressure. It is often described as “acupuncture without needles”. Originating in Japan though now practiced worldwide, shiatsu has gained recognition as an effective bodywork/energy therapy to restore and maintain health.
It is beneficial to receive a shiatsu under many circumstances. Whether you need to de-stress, have generalized or specific pain, are experiencing low energy, want to feel more connected to your body, are rehabilitating from an injury or would like to use shiatsu preventatively as a means of staying healthy.
Massage focuses on relaxing muscles and venous return of blood to the heart. While shiatsu can also do these things it can do much more. Shiatsu focuses on the meridian health, the energy pathway system of the body, much like acupuncture does. By using pressure on acupressure points instead of needles it promotes the circulation of chi or life energy of the body. In this process muscles, connective tissues, and joints relax and expand slightly allowing for more blood and energy movement, vital for nourishing the organ systems (heart, liver, lungs, Intestines, stomach, spleen, bladder and kidneys) as well as detoxifying the body at the cellular level. Shiatsu also differs from massage in that you remain clothed and no oils or lotions are necessary in the session.
I really like going to Harvard Square Shiatsu. Roger is fantastic, professional and he helps me reduce my stress. Don’t hesitate to try shiatsu with him.
I was given a shiatsu massage as a gift and I have to admit I was extremely skeptical about trying it out. I have been suffering from chronic migraines and have tried various preventative and abortive medications to treat my migraines with very little success. I don’t like to take meds and have been desperate to find something besides “break” medication to help. The shiatsu treatment provided a lot of relief. I left the session with less pain and nausea, my wonky migraine vision was gone and the tension and achy muscles is gone. I have not felt so relaxed in a long time. I would recommend this to anyone who suffers from migraines.
Highly, highly recommend!! Really fabulous experience.
Roger was great at his craft. Most relaxing massage I have ever had.
Great massage. Very intuitive healer.
Absolutely amazing – did wonders on my neck!
Very pleasant experience, I will surely be returning
Great Shiatsu treatment! Roger is very kind and gentle – highly recommend! Very relaxing!
I was trained in zen shiatsu in Cambridge at the Boston Shiatsu School. I had a treatment from Roger…fabulous… He has a great manner and good hands. This is the perfect treatment for someone who wants to relax in a soothing environment and treat themselves to an effective and nourishing modality.
My first Shiatsu session.
Roger is great (very professional and intuitive).
I’m looking forward to my next visit.
I had a shiatsu massage last weekend for a an acute neck pain with Roger. A very pleasant experience and would recommend it to anyone who has any issues or just to get their energy flow back in sync. I am so much better following that massage and slept better too.
Roger is gentle, kind and intuitive. Gratitude
I have been getting regular treatments from Roger for a few years. All my shoulder and back pains are gone.